The setting of any film is a vital aspect of creating a tone. A setting with modern-looking buildings conveys ideas of rich and flourishing life while run-down building often conveys ideas of poverty. Although these ideas are apparent, in order to create a film that appears to be set in the past, the filming locations can not include modern appliances, such as cars or building with a structure that is not set in the past. Therefore, our group in an effort to try and pick and effective place to film has been looking towards run down areas, that would not show any modern objects, as they would ruin our films illusion.
Miami Gardens includes a filming location that has run down building and help convey a theme of the past. The monotone colors help convey the simplistic look that our film needs in order to fully capture the essence of the past. Although our film needs no distinct location, several shots in different areas all with the same color pallet are necessary in order to keep the setting plausible and make the film "work". If we are not able to find our desired look in Miami gardens however the use of filters and color saturation could work, in helping to turn a busy flourishing street, into the monotone background we desire.

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